Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To beard, or not to beard: that is the question.

While featuring a fresh, closely shaved visage will never truly go out of style, the option to sport facial hair of all types and variations is becoming very popular amongst men from all age groups and walks of life. Most men will spend at least one day a week in the bathroom with a razor, even great men like Chuck Norris. This is because many men feel that they need to keep their facial hair under control. For many cultures, a long, bushy beard is a sign of wisdom and all round manliness, think Marx or Gandalf post-Balrog. For many others, it’s a sign you’ve just been kicked off Survivor.

The extent to which some women are obsessed with the hair on their heads is nothing when compared to the level of obsession some men have with their facial hair. While generally speaking, most women prefer a clean-shaven man, many women (and many more men) find facial hair to be very attractive. And the up-and-coming generation of young men seem to have founded a renewed interest growing and grooming unique facial hair designs.

A beard may have been groovy in the 60’s, but these days men prefer a cleaner look. Many alternatives have sprouted including, Elvis burns, Chin jungles, Magnum P.I’s, handle-bars and the horrifically popular Goatee. But don’t laugh off beards just yet. Growing one means you don’t ever need to shave - only trim it into shape every now and then. A beard also provides extra protection for your skin, but needs to be washed regularly to avoid unwanted visitors. Whatever you choose to do with your beard ultimately leads to one thing : a change in your style. Consider it a free accessory that can be sculpted at your whim on a weekly basis.

Not all men can sport a perfectly trimmed face-mane, as the growth rate, thickness, colour and shape of your beard is purely reliant on genetics. So while you may closely resemble ZZ Top, the guy next to you may not even be able to bud a puny moustache. While featuring a fresh, closely shaved visage will never truly go out of style, the option to sport facial hair of all types and variations is becoming very popular amongst men from all age groups and walks of life.

The standard moustache is perhaps the most stereotypical and common examples of facial hair and grooming for men. The moustache is typically worn by more conservative members of society and those featuring in silent films. However a recent annual phenomenon called Movember has occurred around the globe bringing back the style, if only for comedic and philanthropic purposes.

The soul patch, that is, a strip of facial hair that is manicured and kept just beneath the lower lip, is a very popular choice amongst musicians, artists, and writers. Very rakish and bold, the soul patch implies an extroverted and fun-loving personality that is immensely attractive to the ladies, while also creating a sense of intelligence. Manicured stubble is another increasingly popular trend amongst young men, most likely owing to those all-nighters. Go a few days without shaving – though some experts will insist on shaving the neck, it is not altogether necessary. Ryan Seacrest and Russell Crowe are the best known ambassadors of this look. Manicured stubble is an excellent compliment to a very sharp and modern suit, and can add a sense of maturity and rugged flair to an otherwise youthful countenance.

Sideburns add a nice touch to a man's face, but again, make sure to keep your sideburns short and trimmed. While you may want the X-Men Wolverine's claws, you certainly don't want his sideburns. If you didn't see the movie, just think of Elvis Presley having an affair with a werewolf -- avoid the King's sideburns at all costs. To keep your sideburns trimmed and short, an electric razor would be most effective.

Facial hair grows back, so any change you make can be repaired within days. Don't be afraid to try out new styles with your facial hair, since no change is permanent. Just remember, whichever style you choose, you need to maintain the neatness and length of the hair so it doesn't look like your best friend is an American football named Wilson. Have fun trying different styles and remember, variation in the style of your facial hair always makes for a refreshing change.